Happy New Year!

A dear friend of mine gives everyone about a week of saying this phrase to anyone and everyone before she starts asking when it’s ok to tell people to stop saying it out loud.

And I get it. It’s not that this year isn’t happy, or she isn’t trying to spread well wishes to those around her- but the new year has turned into 48 hours of celebration/intention setting/new goals/this is the year baby!/gonna make it happen/omg I love my life that directly leads into I’VE RUINED IT ALL BY NOT STAYING ON THIS DIET/HABIT/HEALTH THING/MEDITIATION/NEW RULE I PUT IN MY LIFE!!! And I’m kinda sick of the hype. 

Cause here’s the thing- a laundry list of goals that you have set up to achieve OVERNIGHT is impossible for anyone. You CAN NOT change all your unhealthy habits overnight and it’s silly to think that just because the calendar says January 1 you will suddenly have more will power than you did on December 31. On top of that, not all of us are built to LIST OUT everything we want to achieve. 

I think what has never felt as great for me was listing out every resolution I had on January 1. For some people this works wonders, but my list never really came to fruition the way I thought it should…and I could have saved so much time and energy if someone had shown me my Human Design sooner. 

One little part of Human Design shows each of us if we are specific or non-specific manifestors (if you wanna check yours, it’s the bottom right hand arrow that is up near the top of your chart). Specific manifestors (those with this arrow pointing to the left) benefit from getting very clear about their goals, listing out their desires, and having very specific requirements about what they want to call in. Non-specific (arrow pointing to the right, like me) shouldn’t really subscribe to this idea about listing out every goal. It might benefit them more to think about the energy they want to bring in this year, or maybe an overarching idea of what they want to call in. Write it down (or collage, or burn, or blog about it) sure! But the extensive lists won’t really feel as good to these types. And that is awesome! We need both types! Regardless of which direction your arrow points, start to think about what feels good to you now, even if everyone else is posting about all the things they are going to do this year- does it feel good to make a specific clear list that you can look back on? Does it feel good to focus more on the energy you are calling in? GREAT. Follow what feels good…I promise you will get brighter outcomes (and more success) than trying to tie yourself to becoming a new person overnight. 

If I can leave one goal with you, specific and non-specific alike, it’s that we all work toward becoming more authentically ourselves. 2020 doesn’t need us to be skinny, or vegan, or a meditation experts or perfect parents/partners/employees (but if you want those things I want them for you too!) it just wants us to show up as the best version of us. Let’s all do it together? 




What is Human Design?