There’s so much discussion in the manifestation/Human Design/woo woo wellness world about “ease” and finding “ease” and only doing things because there is “ease” involved.
Blame it on my Scorpio stellium, but I love to take a concept everyone is all about and show off the cracks everyone is avoiding.
Still being inside this Paradigm where Capitalism is King (almost a year into a global pandemic but no we will not close any of our businesses down!), we have been trained to assume that success comes from strife. Whether in work (just work 80 hours a week and you too can have the American Dream!), relationships (keep dating, keep looking, you have to date all the wrong people to find the right one!), or in soul purpose (try everything and see what sticks!)- we are bombarded with messages telling us that we are meant to be tired, sore, and broken in order to eventually see the fruits of our labor.
In walks <insert your favorite problematic manifestation “teacher”> saying Everything is “ease”.
Whatever you want will come to you if you just open up your chakra/meditate every day/do their program/start believing in yourself/say a self-love mantra/remove the blocks stopping flow from happening…the list goes on. Ok, sounds good. I want ease! Of course…and fuck this system we are in is saying everything I want only comes the hard way- let’s do this!
In 2021 I’d like us all to be a bit more nuanced.
Hard ≠ Bad.
Ease ≠ Good.
Hard ≠ Good either. And Ease ≠ Bad.
I get the energetic principle that is trying to be expressed. And I do believe in the new Paradigm we are coming into, so much WILL be easier. Communication, a focus on energetic exchange (which can translate to GETTING PAID YOUR WORTH), more equality across the board for all people. But we aren’t there yet and we can’t pretend that “ease” is ours when there are still so many inequalities facing others.
We gotta stop equating this energetic idea of “ease” with only the things that are easy. But in the new paradigm, we also can’t keep thinking that HARD PAINFUL work is the only way to find success.
Ok, Clint, cute pedestal but like what does this have to do with me?
Where in your life have you been telling yourself it’s ok to be run down, tired, worn out, fighting constantly because some mythological happy ending is on the other side of all that strife? (Thinking Hard = Good)
Where in your life have you been lacking courage or action thinking the things you want will just happen if you wait? (Thinking Ease = Good)
To be clear- your gifts and talent and energy are here for a purpose and that purpose will be FILLED with ease for you. But it won’t necessarily be EASY. I don’t think Mother Theresa would say her life was all flow and no strife and nothing ever happened that she didn’t absolutely love. But was she in her purpose and would she go back and change how she did it all? My gifts don’t currently include talking to the dead but I’m gonna guess she was pretty stoked to do what she did best in any capacity. And sometimes her purpose involved doing hard shit.
What we want and how we go after it are important. But only applying ONE set of principles (Capitalism or Ease Culture) will not get us there.
Your purpose = Good
Sometimes it’ll be hard…and sometimes it will be EASE-Y.
(Sorry for the last sentence, I couldn’t not write it like that.)