Some Guidance for Lines 4, Line 5, and Line 6
As I wrote last week, one of my favorite parts of Human Design are the Profile Lines. I always light up a little more when I cover this part during an initial session because I think there is so much more play and personality involved in the Profile part of your bodygraph. Usually we tend to focus on just the two lines that make up our profile (for good reason) but in reality, we all usually embody all 6 lines in some way. Take a peak at your chart and notice all the little numbers after the decimal for each planet’s gate. Chances are you have almost all 6 somewhere (I’ve only seen a few charts that have NO planets with a specific line- and these people likely make up for this absence in other ways!)
This week I’m diving into the upper trigram or transpersonal energy.
(If you missed last week on the first three lines you can read it on the blog here)
These lines are wrapped up in others and find necessity in interaction- so a lot of my suggestions are how to bring some of that attention back in toward yourself!
Line 4- The Opportunist
This energy cultivates the 1-on-1 quality relationships. It thrives on close friendships and knowing who is good at what and what they like and being there when they need. If there is something you are working toward- who in your inner circle is best equipped to help you get there? It’s time to send out request! The care you put in will be given back- ask for what you need from the exact people who know how to give it!
Line 5- The Heretic
I call this the BDE (Big Diva Energy) because it walks into the room before you do. While the ability to save the day definitely lives in you- my suggestion is to look at everything you are working on and figure out how much of it is actually worth your time. Is there something you don’t need to be concerned with or putting energy into? Everyone else’s fires do not need to be put out by YOU!
Line 6- The Role Model
Depending on which phase you are in I have different advice! (Find your age)
<30 : follow the advice for 3’s! Share about the thing you just tried, let us know about the off the beaten path thing you found out about because you experimented.
30-50: you’re starting to witness and understand a little more the people and situations around you. How can you apply some of that new knowledge to your own goals and desires? You don’t have to try everything yourself anymore- it’s ok to see how someone else failed so you can move a little further.
50+: You’re out here embodying the Role Model-ness of Line 6! But have you taken time to appreciate and care for yourself? With a natural ability to be a teacher, mediator, shoulder to cry on, or good listener- make sure you are taking time to recharge your own batteries in ways that others may not be helping you with.
Take a look at the 2 that make up your profile- are you already doing these without even thinking about it? Which of these last 3 do you need a little help with energizing? Let me know how your HD experiment is going!