F*** February 14th

Every year when February rolls around, a couple things are running through my head.

  1. will winter ever end?


The first is difficult because I live in New York and wow does winter keep going on for what seems like forever. The second one is hard because our capitalistic culture needs a holiday every month to guilt people into spending more on useless things. 

Love is great, especially if you are IN LOVE. But this time of year can create a feeling of loneliness, depression, or anxiety if you happen to be single in our culture that really only celebrates monogamous relationships. 

Which brings us to the G Center. This is the diamond right in the middle of your chart and it covers all things identity, love, and direction. EVEN HUMAN DESIGN PUTS IDENTITY AND LOVE IN THE SAME PLACE WHY IS EVERYTHING BUILT FOR PEOPLE IN RELATIONSHIPS?!?!?!?!

Ok, take a breath. (<—reminder for me)

Human Design shows us we are each here for a unique purpose (divine if you will) and we all bring in different gifts and natural abilities that help us get to the next level on an individual and collective level. Some of us are here to LOVE and to LOVE LOVE, and some of us here to accomplish other things. Any gate in the G center that you have defined is loosely connected to love (46 is love of body, 1 is love of creation, etc). Digging into any of these gates you have may help you unlock new areas of your life you should be putting more attention toward- other than seeking out external love from someone else.

If you G center is 100% open with no color and no gates- how wonderful! That means you are super adaptable- the friend people know is down for new stuff and feels good in many situations. You can also tap into other people’s interests- you get waves of creativity around those with gate 1 and have a deeper sense of your own physicality and body around those with gate 46 (the list goes on for each gate). For me, it’s empowering to know that love isn’t limited to being in a relationship (while that is really fun when its healthy and communicative and symbiotic) but as humans here right now, we are meant to be experiencing love with and for ourselves in so many other ways. 

So on February 14 (and literally every day)- what is one way you can appreciate and show love to yourself for all the talents, gifts, and abilities you bring into this world that benefit all of us?




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