Tips and Tricks for the Quarantine
When I started working on this blog at the beginning of the year I gave myself the goal of posting “1 x a month” -trying not make it overwhelming for myself. In mid February, I started feeling like I could maybe do 2 or 3 a month because there was so much info I wanted to share and I starting listing out all the topics I could cover and interesting things I was finding doing sessions with so many of you.
All that to say…that energy was one of MANY things that shifted very quickly as we all moved into quarantine/self-isolation mode (zoom in on me writing this on almost the last day of the month). As we are all getting used to this new (AND TEMPORARY) normal I thought I should just post some tips for each type to think about…these are very basic but a few to get you started. Scroll down for your type- but take a look at the other types as well because there is so much to learn from each other during this period of reset.
Are you using up all of your energy everyday? You all need to be on “Empty” when you climb into bed, so if you are having trouble sleeping make sure you used some of the day day to move your body and get rid of that good good sacral energy you harness. Not only in body, but you can also do some activities that are challenging for your mind- puzzles, reading, anything that lets your brain focus in and engage.
Right now is the perfect time to think about what REALLY lights you up? Are you filling your day with activities because you think you SHOULD? What do you ACTUALLY want to be spending your time doing? What can you get rid of that doesn’t light you up anymore?
What can you teach the rest of us about the slow and steady WINNING THE RACE? You guys are the masters of finding your groove, diving all the way in, and learning/investing/improving inside that thing.
Don’t be afraid to start something new right now, despite this being new territory for all of us. Follow that ping or burst of inspiration and create/make/invest in something new right now!
DON’T GET SMALL. We need your natural leadership during this…what do you need to be the best version of you (even in your own home wearing PJs all day if you want)?
Keep following your spontaneous urges and pings (even when they don’t make sense)- those waves of MAKE THIS HAPPEN NOW…how can you keep honoring that? Whether you are WFH or have a lot of free time find ways to honor the whims to start something new. JUST DO IT!
Right now is the perfect time to practice being your own boss- and let the rest of us know what is up! Don’t forget to keep informing as you start new endeavors.
For my non-energy types (Projectors and Reflectors) & ANY type with a lot of open or undefined centers: make sure you guys are getting time to fully discharge anyone else’s energy if you are sharing space for long periods of time! (message or DM me for more help/info on how to do this…and i’ll likely give some tips in coming blogs)
What insight or gift do you have that we all need right now? Remember that if people follow you: THATS THE INVITE. The thing that is super easy for you is the thing you need to share. Don’t assume we are all good at the thing you can do in your sleep!
It’s okay if this weird reset/rest/solidarity period feels good. Embrace that and ask why? Is it because you can rest and couldn’t in your pre-quarantine life? Is it because you can check in on projects and come and go as you need? (How can you keep the parts of this that feel good when we go back to some version of normal?)
What has been on the back burner? the BTI (between the invitation) is GOLD. This is when you learn, build, create, pick up skills, and devise. This is when you get ready to be the best best best when the next invite rolls in. Use this time to work on all the projects and ideas you haven’t been able to!
ENVIRONMENT ENVIRONMENT ENVIRONMENT—-> how can you create sacred space for yourself? You all are so in tune with wherever you are…make that space the exact space you need.
Take note of the people you are spending all your time with right now: are you letting their vibe/energy change yours? If it’s not ideal, how can you separate yourself and clear out for a bit?
TAKE. YOUR. TIME. You run on your own clock ANYWAY…so let that continue here regardless of the new home/work situation that is happening for everyone else. Show the rest of us how to go with the flow!
Honor all the feelings: scared, excited, lonely, anticipating, ready, calm, grounded, free, sad. All of them matter, and all them will move and shift and change as we all keep navigating this time together. Every feel is a mini lesson and you have to move through them to get the full message. My ssuggestion for any feeling you can’t shake is MOVE YOUR BODY. Express it, put it in motion, give the feeling a dance and let it work its way out. Now more than ever, we can not be holding onto the things we don’t need.
Sending you all love, health, and good vibes!