You are a healer.
Read that again. (I’ll wait).
Do you believe it yet?
Ok, I’ll tell you more. But also…maybe write it on your mirror so you can repeat it to yourself a few more times this week.
Right now, we are going through something nobody on this Earth Plane has gone through in this lifetime (don’t get me started on past lives and other dimensions…this blog isn’t long enough). It’s A LOT. And if you are reading this I assume you’re not trying to just wait it out, throw blame, or victimize yourself. You’ve probably asked at least one time since March “how can I help?”
A previous newsletter sent out a list of ways to contribute or help both with the pandemic and the social uprising (BLACK LIVES MATTER)- message me if you need that again! But I will forever be here to remind everyone- we gotta heal ourselves before we start working on anyone else. Healing has 1000 costumes…all of which are great at different times for different people. It can look like:
-inner child and re-parenting work
-astrology or intuitive tarot readings that illuminate parts of yourself
-hot baths <——personal fav of mine. I call it BathChurch™
-daily mediation & journaling
-meeting with trusted friends
-voice memos about feelz, dreams, ideas
-writing letters to those you have wronged or wronged you
-new moon/full moon rituals
-gratitude practice through journaling, mantras, and exercises
I imagine that you have a relationship to one or more of these and are already on a self-healing journey. Remember when I said you are a Healer?!?!?! They don’t always wear scrubs (thank you front line workers!) or work in education (thank you teachers and school staff!) or carry around crystals and cards and candles (tho I know some of you do). If you are working on yourself, healing yourself- you are moving ALL of us one step closer to a better, brighter future.
After the healing of self has begun, cause honey that shit lasts a lifetime, the next step is super simple: Be you. Live your joy. The most healing thing you can do for the people in your life is expressing yourself as your best & brightest version. Showing others that it is possible to be in progress, working toward growth, moving through whatever shit has happened, honoring it, and moving into what you need next. What we don’t deal with get’s passed down (thanks ancestors!) but luckily we are living in a time and as a group of souls that aren’t willing to let the chain of pain & oppression masked as “individuality” & “freedom” continue on. It’s written into the charts of Millennials to up level and move us all forward- and shout out to Gen X for teaching us how to burn the system down. You truly were the first responders. On a soul conciseness level we are in the midst of an upleveling and it isn’t super comfy. So keep your own healing first and the rest will keep falling into place.
Anyways, I’m excited to stay on this journey with you (and I’m here if you need reminders of what gifts you have to offer right now).