Have you ever heard yourself telling a story to someone and in the middle of it, you realized you were sick of telling the story? It could be about something that happened on the way to the grocery store, the way you felt during an awkward encounter with someone, or how you felt in a very specific situation. But at some point, you realized this narrative was draining you to re-tell it over and over again. When this happens to me, I have to remind myself THE UNIVERSE IS TELLING ME TO SHUT THE F*** UP AND MOVE ON. Or even…just move. (more on that down below)
I’m not encouraging you to hold everything in or not talk about how you feel (I could go into the damage this does because, hello! I’m a triple Scorpio and I am the CHAMPION of holding it in and not asking for help). What I AM asking you is: what stories are you holding onto? What narrative do you find yourself repeating?
Is it helping you or hurting you?
Are you growing from sharing it? From rehashing it over and over?
Are you actually gaining wisdom from cycling through this negativity or low vibe?
Chances are…you need to cut that shit out.
Right now, the Sun is in Gate 56 (which put that new moon in Cancer on Monday in Gate 56 as well- astronomy and science are fun!). Each of the 64 I Ching gates bring different wisdom about one part of the human experience. Gate 56 is The Gate of Stimulation aka The Wanderer aka The Storyteller. If you have this gate in your chart, the energy swirling around this week feels familiar (though maybe heightened) and if you don’t- WELCOME! This gate lies in the Throat center so expression is natural here. What are the stories you WANT to tell? How can you get them out in a healthy way? Do the people around you need these stories now?
Some help and advice working with this energy:
+Move through it. Literally get up and Mariah Carey ‘Shake It Off.’ Run around the block. Scrub the floor. <—if you like the last one and wanna come do mine, too it’s ready!
+Remember every good story had a rough draft first. Everyone doesn’t need every idea, story, and event that happened to you. That doesn’t mean you should keep them in. Journal or voice memo the things that keep coming up for you. Go back and re-read or listen- is this story worth keeping in your repertoire? What do you need in order to let it go if it’s not worth keeping? Who would benefit from hearing this or could actually give some feedback that is helpful if you shared it?
+Remember the journey IS the destination. Each idea/story/narrative/scar isn’t the end all be all. Take the lessons and keep it moving.
In the next few days start to notice if you’re feeling the pressure to tell every story- and then listen to what those stories are. We get to choose what we share and what we keep feeding- let’s choose into the stories that serve our own ascension instead of swimming in the muck of shitty self narratives that usually aren’t true.
Sending you love from my corner of the interwebs and Brooklyn.
P.S. Not sure wtf Gate 56 is or if you have it in your chart? Take a peak at and/or let’s have a session! Schedule here and we can focus on how your chart interacts with others and what some of the stories you may be repeating can help or hurt you.