Babe, what's your Type?
Some new faces here so this is going to be a cute little Human Design Type refresher. If you've had a session with me, we have certain dug deep into your Type BUT- it's helpful (especially for the Projectors or anyone with a 1 in their Profile) to have a little more info.
Below, I'm giving some keywords for each Type as well as the Strategy, Signature, and Not-Self Theme. In sessions with me I refer to the Signature and Not-Self Theme as bumpers- over the course of a lifetime you will hit both but neither should be alarming. The Not-Self is just your reminder that you aren't living according to your Strategy. And the Signature is to remind you that you're doing it right! Hopefully, as you continue your HD experiment (this life is just one big improv y'all) you continue to bump into that Signature more and more.
If you know the Type of someone important in your life, how can you use this to build better relationship?
-Noticing when they are in their Not-Self.
-Using their Strategy to help them come up with solutions.
-Helping them celebrate when they are demonstrating their Signature.
Happy experimenting!