Mercury Retrograde and YOUR Human Design Mercury
While every Insta-Astrologer is fear mongering you about. Mercury Retrograde (P.S. this happens 3x a year were maybe born during one so it’s like...actually your time to shine in some ways) I’m just here to give you some knowledge to trudge forward in a more clear way.
NO NEED TO THANK ME...but do keep reading 🙂
Mercury Retrograde doesn’t really mean anything if you don’t even know where your Natal Mercury is! I’m gonna walk you through some tips and tricks based on where Mercury is on your Human Design bodygraph and hopefully help you find some ease in your communicating and thought processes during this period.
look up your bodygraph.
I like using but you can also just google “look up my human design”. ALL ROADS LEAD TO ROME AND ALL CHARTS SAY THE SAME THING.
In the right hand column find Mercury (☿️) and Write down the Gate number (the number before the period)
Find that Gate on the bodygraph and look below for the corresponding Center OR locate that number on the center images below.
Ok, now the fun part. Based on where your Mercury is, you can learn a TON more about how you communicate and think- simply knowing which Center your Mercury is in will give you so much more knowledge in how you normally express and what things are important to you to get out. Also, what sorts of things do you tend to think about? Where are you maybe more thoughtful or forward thinking than others? Find which Center your Mercury gate is in below and read on to learn more.
Head Center - Gates 61, 63, 64
You are here to communicate about inspiration, mental pressure, doubt, confusion...and questions. You are either in your head A LOT or the person causing others to dig for answers because you have the ability to ask what everyone else might not be able to.
HEAD CENTER - Gates 61, 63, 64
You are here to communicate about inspiration, mental pressure, doubt, confusion...and questions. You are either in your head A LOT or the person causing others to dig for answers because you have the ability to ask what everyone else might not be able to.
AJNA CENTER - Gates 4, 11, 17, 24, 43, 47
You are here to communicate your own opinions (or sometimes others opinions if this center is undefined or open!), new ideas, brand new concepts, or answers others might now have or be able to get out.
THROAT CENTER - Gates 8, 12, 16, 20, 23, 31, 33, 35, 45, 56, 62
The super manifestor and uber communicator, you are here to speak into power your own manifestations (or what others can’t speak into power for themselves if this center is undefined or open). Gift of gab, great at speaking, or some combination of the two!
G Center - Gates 1, 2, 7, 10, 13, 15, 25, 46
You are the person who has no problem talking about themselves, your own experience, or even divulging and expressing all the aspects of love. These are the topics easily expressed, or likely to be a center of what you teach to others.
HEART/EGO CENTER - Gates 21, 26, 40, 51
This is a motor so there’s energy to chat here, and likely you are easily able to talk money, material gain and wealth, and also divulge your own goals, hopes and dreams. Ego is tightly wound with how you communicate- you may come off as full of yourself…but you are here to teach us all how to cheer for ourselves!
SOLAR PLEXUS CENTER - Gates 6, 22, 30, 36, 37, 49, 55
The emotional communicators (or easily able to pinpoint and talk about if open or undefined here),a Solar Plexus Mercury are the writers of great love stories and crazy human adventures. Moods, feelings, desires, passions, romance and sex are among the frequent topics of conversation for you.
SPLEEN CENTER - Gates 18, 28, 32, 44, 48, 50, 57
If your Mercury is located here, you likely are able to express your fears AND intuition very easily. This communication style is all about survival- well-being, immunity, and natural instincts are intertwined with what you will easily show to those around you.
SACRAL CENTER - Gates 3, 5, 9, 14, 27, 29, 34, 42, 59
This motor is all about energy- if defined, you may be the one who talks all day long. Sexuality, sacral response or gut feeling, and literal life force are interwoven into anything you call in or seek to manifest.
ROOT CENTER - Gates 19, 38, 39, 41, 52, 53, 54, 58, 60
Stress, worry, and drive are all a focus of what you communicate, embody in your manifestations, or what you should be talking about more. The root is also all about ambition, so you may have a lot to speak on what it means to work toward what you want.
Learn a little something about your Mercury? Sound off in the comments below!