Hello from whatever week of isolation it is!
It’s been a bit since I’ve posted one of these- and to be fair I did say in my first one that my open schedule/no Ego definition would mean these blogs are gonna come at you when they come at you. Here’s one! Happy May!
This time of year in New York can’t be described as anything but Spring Fever. Pandemic or not, New Yorkers are ITCHING to get outside, show a little more skin, and soak up the sun as soon as the temperatures go above 65. It’s no different now, although we all are taking many more precautions. Laying in the park feels a bit different with a mask on your face and existential dread looming above. (Is that a cloud? Oh no, just impending doom!)
Jokes aside, I have been thinking a lot lately about what lays in front of us. While we are still very much trying to figure out how to deal with the daily in this “new normal” (I really really really hate that term) this truly isn’t going to be our “forever.” We will gather again. We will make art again. We will eat and drink and commune with each other in public again. But the lack of a timeline is scary and daunting. The “not-knowing” is exhausting. And I think one tiny light in me that keeps burning and keeps me going is knowing we are truly in this together. Near the beginning of isolation, Governor Cuomo was interviewed by Michael Barbaro (NY Times) on The Daily Podcast and he said something that brought me a little bit of hope- I’ll summarize (and you can listen to the episode here) but essentially he was saying we can take solace in knowing we are all in this crisis together.
We all are facing hardship (financially, emotionally, physically) and we all are going to have to recover as a community. More than ever, we are being asked to think about others WHILE we take care of ourselves. Wearing a mask isn’t so that I don’t get sick, it’s so I don’t spread anything to someone else. And what a huge shift this is for so many Americans, so many New Yorkers. We aren’t really known for thinking about others are we? Obviously, if you’ve landed here on my blog or are reading this in my newsletter you aren’t as disconnected as the terrorists currently protesting at so many state capitals with machine guns begging for haircuts. But there is still a huge shift for all of us to focus on the collective US instead of ego-centered ME. The answer isn’t about self sacrifice or making ourselves suffer. The marriage of the two (WE & ME)- pulling the shadow into the light- is the work in front of us.
It’s been interesting to begin my journey as a Human Design reader and intuitive guide RIGHT in the midst of all of this. “Does this matter?” “What is this for?” “Who the f*** would want to understand their HD right now?” “Who are you to start this new thing?” “You’re not that good at this and who would come to you?” and a whole slew of other equally lovely and horrible questions have floated through my head over and over. And the answer for me continues to be this: we have to keep showing up. We have to keep showing up as the best versions of ourselves. We can’t help anyone else unless we, ourselves, are safe and healthy. We can’t save someone else if we are already drowning.
If you think HD would help you figure some stuff out AMAZING! If something sparked in you while you read this that makes you want to start meditating PLEASE DO THAT. Do you need to take a day off from internetting? Do you need a break from your bed-to-couch routine by taking a few more walks? Does your friend pull tarot or know someone who does? Is it time to pull out the music you loved in high school and shake your booty a little bit in your living room? I’m only asking that as much as we are thinking about others right now, we realize that care for others starts with care for ourselves. Take your vitamins before trying to help someone take theirs.
I’m sending you much love from my little corner here in Brooklyn, New York. And if there is something I can help with- I would love to. Right after my mediation and dancing around to Beyoncé for a bit. :)