How many memes did you see today about how much 2020 sucks?
Jokes about time not being a thing? <- This is basically my love language at this point because fuck time anyway. The cosmos don’t care about AM or PM.
While we are still, 4 full-ass months in, figuring out what our “new normal” is, I’m here to say wow I’m really a work in progress. HBU?
I think what has always interested me about Human Design (& astrology, tarot, enneagram, personality tests online in the early 2000s, Akashic Record work…this list is endless) has been getting answers on who I’m supposed to be or how I function the best. I’m fully invested in self improvement (monetarily & energetically…I have a business based on this work y’all) and everyday I learn something new. Everyday I’m reminded I AM STILL A WORK IN PROGRESS. Sometimes this reminder is lovely and cute and wrapped in a bow like a little nudge or download of “Clint! Remember this cool thing about yourself!” and sometimes this reminder happens while crying on the floor of my apartment for the second time that week while listening to Imogen Heap and being super unsure of everything I’ve ever done in my whole life.*
I’m sure this is zero% news to anyone reading this…and many of you probably feel the same. So let me just say:
Hey. We’re doing it.
Maybe let’s all stop shitting on ourselves that “the work” doesn’t happen over night. (I actually hate that term but that’s a whole article for another time). “The work” is the work cause it’s everyday, babe.
To quote one of my dearest friends (an incredible 6/2 Emotional Manifesting Generator):
When she said this the first time it was an act of desperation and definitely yelled at me through the phone because it felt like the struggle of our 20’s was lasting 84 years. I suggest trying to repeat it out loud just like that. You’ll either laugh or cry after and either response will be cathartic.
That’s it. That’s the lesson I’ve got for you today.
I’m just doing my best. And sometimes that falls short of my own expectations. Sometimes that doesn’t look like what those around me think I should be doing. Sometimes, this one doesn’t happen as much but damn am I trying to manifest it more, my best outshines any outcome I could dream of. Regardless, after any of those, I still wake up and try again the next day.
And I know, if you are here, you are doing your best too.
I love you.
I see you.
*True story.